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Went to a Super Bowl party and wanted to make something for it. A coworker and I had just been talking about Tyler Florence's Inside the Test Kitchen a couple days before. We both began raving about our experiences with the cookbook, so I cracked it open again for party inspiration. I usually make dips for parties since they're typically pretty...
Alright, now it's time for my first food post! We had a farewell lunch for one of my coworkers at Limon Rotisserie, a Peruvian restaurant in Burlingame. (There are actually locations in SF as well which is how I first heard of this restaurant, but I haven't been to those locations yet.) We were originally going to be a party...
Hello world
My inaugural post! Before I start diving into food posts, I'd like to give a few shoutouts. Thanks to Shannon for suggesting I do a food blog since I'm constantly posting pics of food from restaurants I go to and new recipes I try. Thanks to Jacob for coming up with the name Panda's Belly for this blog because...